lunes, 21 de junio de 2010

Twenty Second Of A Million

"El miedo nos limita, nos estanca en un sitio y nos moviliza para actuar. Y mientras más creativa sea la persona más alimenta su miedo con la imaginación. Es una fuerza poderosa que ni la voluntad puede derrotar, por la simple razón de que la imaginación vence a la voluntad.
Ante el miedo hay que usar la imaginación, pero con sentido positivo, con pensamientos contrarios a los pensamientos de temor, para contrarrestar las terroríficas consecuencias de éstos. Así con la imaginación y la voluntad trabajando en la misma dirección, con sus poderes unidos, podremos derrotar al miedo."

Parte trasera de tu calendario en el día Martes 25 de mayo 2010.

domingo, 6 de junio de 2010

Twenty First Of A Million

The confusion is seen by the first line where the person says that the "It's a shame you don't know". This person has something wonderful in his heart that he wishes that the he could share with everyone but feels absolutely incapable of doing this. (At least not capable enough to make a difference). The light of his soul has turned off and the foundation and stability of his soul were lost. The end of time is the inactivity the heart has reached and the false start is the wrong turn that has been taken. Running from himself and the obstacles which he has found to face has become impossible and it seemed a sad feat, and finds himself trapped in the sad netherworld of leeching energy until the dead of all purpose and meaning, but yet something still seems to be there among all of this. He finds it heard to grasp any happening amidst these troubles. It is the hell of self that hath wrapped himself in the vines of eternal distention, apathy and nothingness.
